Our Governing Body
Welcome from the governors here at Aycliffe Village Primary and Nursery School. We work as a team with the Head teacher and Local Authority for the benefit of all the pupils and staff.
All Governors are volunteers and have a diverse background. We’re here to give the school a strategic direction and to act as ‘a critical friend’ – helping to guide the school and improve the standard of education for all our children. Governors take an active role at Aycliffe Village Primary, not only in attending regular meetings, but also in attending numerous school functions and events. Governors also undertake visits to classrooms during lessons.
Governors don’t get involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, but together with the Head teacher, set the strategy and criteria by which the school is managed. Governors ensure that local and national government legislation and targets are either met or being worked towards and that Aycliffe Village Primary and Nursery continues to be well led, effectively managed and well maintained. Also that it works within budget, and there is a clear focus by all staff on the educational attainment and well-being of our children. Importantly Governors ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered to benefit all of our children.
Governors continue to be reassured that the school facilitates, encourages and supports children’s educational needs and continues to embed a culture of personal and shared values, respect, tolerance and individual achievement. These views were mirrored in the findings of the most recent Ofsted inspection conducted in 2019.
The school has in place a School Improvement Plan, a working document that identifies and drives forward opportunities for improvement or further development of the school.
Aycliffe Village Primary and Nursery School strives to inspire, guide and prepare our children for the next stage in their education and is held in high regard as a place of learning. This is made possible by the commitment and efforts of all staff, parents and pupils.
If you want to contact us, then we’d be happy to hear from you; please contact Joanne Smith, Chair to Governing Body at Aycliffe Village Primary and Nursery School.
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Aycliffe Village Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
Register of Interests
There are currently no business interest registered and no relationship between governors and staff members.
No Governors hold governance roles in other educational institutions.
Governor Code of Conduct 06.10.2022
Skills Audit Summary January 2022
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.
Committee Structure
Name | Representing | Term of Office Started |
Term of Office Ends (4 year term) |
Committee | Responsibilities | Register of Interests |
Mrs Lyn Adamson | Headteacher | 04.01.2021 | ongoing | All committees except HT performance management | DSL, Curriculum & Standards, Finance, H&S, Performance Management | None |
Mrs Joanne Smith Chair of Governors |
Co-opted | 29.09.2021 | 28.09.2025 | Curriculum & Standards, First Pay Review. HT Performance Management | SEND | None |
Mrs Laura Hudson | Co-opted | 05.06.2024 | 04.06.2028 | Finance, Premises & H&S, Appeals, Personnel, Curriculum & Standards | Maths | None |
Mrs Danielle Paterson | Co-opted | 18.03.2020 | 20.03.2028 | Appeals, Personnel, Curriculum & Standards | EYFS, English | None |
Mrs Jayne Garlick | Co-opted | 20.10.2023 | 19.10.2027 | Finance, Premises & H&S, Curriculum & Standards | SEND | None |
Mr Peter Young | Parent | 15.03.2023 | 14.03.2027 | Finance, Premises & H&S, Curriculum & Standards | Foundation Subjects | None |
Mrs Dawn Swainston | Staff | 01.01.2022 | 31.12.2025 | Finance, Premises & H&S, | Finance | None |
Mr Brian Dean | Co-opted | 01.02.2016 | 09.10.2027 | Appeals, Personnel, Curriculum & Standards |
Pupil Attendance Sports Premium, Pupil Premium |
None |
Mrs Tracy Shaw | Local Authority | 15.12.2014 | 20.10.2025 | Curriculum & Standards, First Pay Review | Safeguarding | None |
Governor Attendance
Schools are now required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school.
Governor Attendance Record 2023-2024
Governor Attendance Record 2022-2023
Governor Attendance Record 2021-2022
Governor Attendance Record 2020-2021
Committee Terms of Reference
Terms Of Reference 3 October 2023
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